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I'm Pursuing Spanish Citizenship

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

This time next year, I hope to be a citizen of Spain.

Nerja in November

"MADRID — Seeking to redress one of the darkest chapters of Spain’s history, the Spanish Parliament on Thursday approved a long-awaited law devised to open the way for citizenship for thousands of Sephardic Jews whose ancestors were expelled in 1492" - NY Times

My family has recently uncovered some lineage that shows we had Jewish ancestors in Spain around the time of 1492, who were persecuted and chased out for being Jewish. I am proud of Spain for taking action with this law, and honoring the truth that accompanies their dark history.

My aunt Ana took the lead on this, tracked our lineage, and moved from New Mexico with her family to Málaga, Spain last year. I visited them November, and absolutely fell in love with that southern coast. Read about my trip here.

I am excited about what this could mean for me and my family. I am pursuing citizenship alongside my sisters, Adela (20) and Rachel (22). Being able to live freely and move about the EU would be incredible for Rasmus and I in the next few years.

I received my certificate of Sephardic heritage on Friday. But before they welcome us as citizens, we have to pass two tests: the CCSE (the government test) and the DELE A2 (the language test). So I am currently listening to every Spanish podcast out there and trying to spend as much time as I can on DuoLingo.

Many Hispanics also have lineage that reaches back to Spain, but they may not know it. If you have questions about this process I would be happy to answer them for you. You can find more information through the Jewish Federation of New Mexico here.

As it turns out, it is actually easier for me to become a citizen on Spain than Denmark! Even though my soon to be husband is Danish. Immigration laws are really tightening worldwide. I am planning on taking my tests between now and April. And by the end of the year Rasmus and I hope to have four passports between us-- Danish, Australian, American and Spanish.

¡Estoy muy emocionado! Deséame suerte.


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